Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Playing Catch-Up

I woke up Friday morning sick as a dog, so I’m way behind now on my blogging. Let me see if I can catch us all up without belaboring the points…

Thursday afternoon/evening I went on my first date/meet and greet with Cute Chinese Guy. He was a few minutes late, which I’m still trying to decide if I should hold it against him or not. You know me and my paranoid punctuality. We had a nice time though, aside from the fact that the whole thing resembled an interview as much as it did a date. He’s smart and nice and open-minded, so he deserves a second date. There’s just something about they way he keeps trying to analyze me that I’m not sure I like. I say something like, “I don’t like Equal” and he says, “So, you’re really a natural, pure kinda girl aren’t you?” Why do I need to be labeled? But I’m figuring that he’ll loosen up a little when the first date pressure is off.

Tattoo Guy was out of town with a friend for the weekend, so I just talked to him yesterday. I really like hanging out with him, I don't think I can overemphasize how much I wish we were just friends. I'm really going to try to make that happen. We'll probably get together again next week - since I'm pretty booked this week with my birthday and such.

Tall Guy and I are emailing back and forth a lot on eHarmony. I still really like him. He's well-spoken (well, well-written at least), has similar interests and values; I'm really starting to give eHarmony a bit of credit for their matching process. I'm excited to eventually meet him, but I'm going to wait for him to bring it up. For some reason, I don't want to play the agressor with him.

There's a new guy that I just started Open Communication with on eHarmony as well. He's Writer Guy, and he won me over by being hilarious. He lives in West Hollywood, so it's worth exploring.

Lyrics of the Day
"This is the story of the boys who love you, who love you now and loved you then." The Decemberists Red Right Ankle

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