Monday, December 11, 2006

Not the Sharpest Knife in the Drawer

Caffeinate. Hydrate. Intoxicate.

These three words were the mantra of yesterday morning as Red sat at the bar with a Diet Coke, a water and a mimosa spread out in front of her.

I was depending on the latter two to start my morning. In retrospect, I really should have just stuck with hydrating.

Red and I (with The Sister in tow most of the time) may have, sort of, accidentally gone on a bit of a three-day bender this weekend.

And today I'm seriously paying for it. Really.

Friday night was a rousing success. Probably about 10 of my friends filtered in and out of the bar over the evening and Tattoo Guy brought about 4 or 5 of his own. We had quite the entertaining time that definitely included one (or three) too many Jager-bombs and an ill-advised stop at Del Taco at 3 am.

Saturday was way too much shopping (Do you have any idea how hard it is to find ugly Christmas sweaters in Los Angeles? It was hard.) and a very short nap before hitting up the sweater party. The party was a great time - lots of drinks, lots of sweaters, lots of music. Then, it finally happened.

I hooked up with The Kid.

I knew that it was inevitable. I did. No matter what I said here, I knew that something or another would end up happening eventually. There was just too much attraction there for it to go unfulfilled. And you know what? It was fun, and it might just happen again.

But he's still not dating material. And I think he's okay with that.

Red and I didn't get much sleep at all on Saturday night, but we were still crazy (or is it foolish?) enough to drag ourselves to the bar at 9:30 for football. We ended up having another great time, though this time I definitely over-indulged. I really should have stuck to water. Actually, I think I would feel better today if I had guzzled drain cleaner instead of the mimosas and Bailey's on the rocks that I was knocking back.

At some point, I may have ended up kissing The Fan. Maybe. Possibly a lot.

It's a really good thing that football season is almost over. I can't take this Sunday debauchery for much longer. Especially when both of my teams LOSE.

I may have gotten a profile-worthy photo or two over the weekend, but I was too busy passing out on my couch last night to upload them and go through them. It may not happen tonight either, but sometime this week, I will be back on-line and in the game.

Lyrics of the Day

"Think I’m drunk enough to drive you home now. I’ll keep my mouth kept shut under lock and key that’s rusted firm." Death Cab for Cutie Champagne From a Paper Cup

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