Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Day After Tomorrow

In 48 hours, I will be on the plane to Los Angeles. In 52 hours I will be landing at LAX where Red will be waiting to pick me up and take me to The Sister's going away party at Bodega Santa Monica. In 54 to 55 hours, I will be in the arms of Prince Charming, thanking all the powers-that-be that these 5 long weeks are over.

Tomorrow night I'll be packing my bags and hoping that I won't be too excited or impatient to sleep. Then I'll just have to suffer through one more day of work before I am on my way.

I have a feeling that this weekend could be rather monumental. Things may be said and things will be discussed. Lost time will most definitely be made up for. Friends will be introduced and hopefully approvals will be given. (After several relationship follies, I've learned to trust the input of others - not expressly, but it is always a good sign when your friends like your boyfriend.) Good lord I can't wait for these 55 hours to pass.

Lyrics of the Day

"I'm tired of calling you and missing you and dreaming that I've slept with you - don't get me wrong I still desperately love you." Teitur I Was Just Thinking


Anonymous said...

I have been away from your site for a while and had to catch up. Wow! Have fun and more and fun this weekend. As you know, this Gal loves a love story. I am so hopeful for you. --The Gal

Suz said...

It's a good week for long-distance relationships! I picked up my prince last night too... We sang and laughed all the way home! There's the joy of the reunion--that comfy, wonderful friendship of the person you love more than anyone settling your spirit and making your heart soar again. Well, that and the "other stuff" is pretty good too!! ;)

ENJOY your weekend! (And try to remember that anticipation is a good thing).


Unknown said...

Have so much fun!

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you!!

Laundramatic said...

G'Luck! Seems like this long distance thing is working out just peachy for you